Organizing your contacts is essential, irrespective of whether you’re a student, job seeker, professional, or an entrepreneur. If you aren’t keeping track of your contacts regularly, it can impact your everyday life. If you’re into marketing, the most obvious is you’ll lose your potential clients, new opportunities to grow your sales, and not to mention, it can have a spiral effect on your earnings potential. Thankfully, there are different platforms available to efficiently manage your contacts and solve the daunting challenges managing your contacts. Let’s deep-dive into the two most popular ones- Google Contacts and Cisdem ContactsMate for Mac.
Use Google Photos on iPhone and Upload Photos to Google Drive
iPhone users may not have an affinity for Android products but in some cases, exceptions have to be made. One such example is Google Drive. Since Apple has yet to introduce an equally good service, Apple users have only one option for sharing and storing photos and images. Since Google Drive is easily compatible with iPhone as well, Apple users do not see why they should not be using it. Furthermore, iPhones in most cases do not feature the capability to store and share large image files and this is where this article comes in. We are going to help you upload Google Photos on your iPhone to Google Drive so that you get a head start, the next time you are confused about the process. Let’s begin. Read More
Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms is widely used worldwide; it is a virtual photo exhibition medium for photographers, a platform to reach millions of fans at a single click for celebrities, a food picture gallery for foodies, a paradise for influencers, and so on… Who doesn’t like Instagram? However, there is one issue: this picture of heaven doesn’t allow ‘Image Search’. Ironic, isn’t it?
MultCloud Tutorial 2020 – Learn Tips About Cloud Transfer
Do you wonder how to transfer files from one cloud account to another? Are you searching for a sophisticated tool to transfer cloud files without downloading them to your computer? If yes, MultCloud is for you.
Download Google Vault Emails in PST and MBOX Format Easily
Google Vault (GV) is a core application of G Suite that allows users to retain their data and then search and use them according to their purposes. It is quite similar to Google Drive, but there is one major difference. While Google Drive allows backup, GV on the other hand does not. This is where the problem lies. In some cases, you need to download emails in Google Vault in different formats such as PST and MBOX. This is yet another significant difference between Google Vault and Google Drive. Downloading Google Vault emails in PST and MBOX format is not an option available in abundance. Therefore, we are going to use a program called Systools Gmail backup, that is going to help us download emails in every major format required. Follow us.
Large File Renamer Solution
Windows, ever since its introduction, has given birth to a new world of computer science. It is an operating system that is not only easy to use but is secure and offers a plethora of features. However, there are some minor problems that users often face. One of them is the inability to rename files when the name is too long or in other words, contains a large number of characters.
OneDrive Free Storage Bonus Tips and Referral Program Details
There were times when people didn’t have any other option but to carry their data in external storage devices such as USBs or hard drives. Whatever may be the case, carrying important data in such devices always carried a risk. And that risk was losing important data.
Lightroom To Google Photos Transfer And Removal Of Duplicate Images
Adobe Lightroom is much more than an image viewer. It offers a combination of editing features from Photoshop and other Adobe-family products. You can create or import albums, manipulate and organize your photos, all in a single application. If you’re a digital photographer or a graphics designer, it’s likely that you’re already using Lightroom. You could have a library of hundreds of thousands of photographs captured over years. The problem arises when you need to transfer your huge image library to Google Photos. This is because Lightroom does not offer an in-house functionality to automatically transfer them for you. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the various ways to accomplish this task with ease. Read on..
Read MoreGoogle Vault Downloader Review
Introduced by SysTools, Google Vault Downloader is a program that allows users to download data from their Google Vault. Opposed to the assumption of people, Google Vault is an archiving service that retains your data utilizing different retention rules.
Top Photo Scanning Services in San Francisco, Oakland, Hayward, Calif
While taking good photos is an art, preserving photos adequately is equally important. What’s the point of taking photographs if ten years from now, you won’t be able to look back at them? This often happens when you only keep printed photos and ignore the need for soft copies.